Icons Presets

it’s a minor matter, but I understand the icons should be the other way around.
Arrow up: Save Preset
Down arrow: Load Preset


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Should they?

I think it’s a matter of convention. We find both ways on the internet or in software.
The arrow down is often used to indicate “saving on disk”.

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In my convention, when I’m in Transmutr,
I send the preset to disk :arrow_up:
I load the preset from the disk :arrow_down:
But you know more than me.:wink:

I opened the thread, because in the first time I wanted to save a preset, I did it with the arrow up :roll_eyes:

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To other people reading this thread, what’s your opinion on this?


Personal preference:

  • Arrow down to save (we move the data down to the disk)
  • Arrow up to load (retrieving the buried data)

It seems like a common convention (search for save/load icon examples on Google for instance) :wink:

UPload and DOWNload……with arrow directions indicating accordingly, seems to be easier to remember.

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But you download to disk, or you download to the app? :wink:

Makes sense to me too. But… will work of course with what is given.

Bugga….ya got me there…!!!

I’m with Duanekemp….I’ll work with whatever is given :slightly_smiling_face:

for me, to the App… :smiley: