error try demo skatter


I’m sorry but I have already reset your request code in August. This is not intended to extend your demo indefinitely, but to work around a bug.

i am having the same problem too, could you please reset my code NjI2NDZfMjk1MzlfYTA6MWQ6NDg6ZjU6MDI6ZGE=

te paso mi codigo thomas



You guys should be good to go now

Hello. I have the same problem, please
Thank you

I had to install my sketchup again and lost my skatter demo without even using it.

I installed on October 24th 2019 and today due to sketchup bugs I ended up missing without testing the plugin.

I would like them to reset my requst code so I can activate my demo and test the plugin.

Request code: MzE4NzBfMjk1MzlfMjQ6ZjU6YWE6NjU6YmQ6MTY =


Hi. I have the same problem, please
Thank you


I have the same problem.

code :MjcwOTlfMjk1MzlfYzA6ZDk6NjI6NTY6OWQ6NTA=



I hava the same problem.
Request code is:

Are you sure this is the complete code? I can’t find it in the database

Sorry man, my mistake. The correct code is:

Thanks, you should be good to go now

Sorry man, but it still says that i have tried Skatter Demo.

I have the same problem!
code: Mzc4N18yOTU0OF8zMDo5YzoyMzpkZTpmYTpmYQ==
Please help me, thanks!

I see that it was activated yesterday, maybe something went wrong. I reset it once again, can you try again?

You should be good to go now

I found it, thank you very much for the help good man!

please I have same problem, thanks in advance.