Beta 2 - Error


I was testing the new beta .2 and I’ve noticed an issue while I was trying to resize an object through sketchup.

Here are some quick videos:

Also, if you open the transmutr before sketchup, keep it open when the sketchup is opend and then try to edit an object through sketchup shows this notifiation.

Finally, the default guy inside transmutr is missing, He is very helpful and it would be fine if he could return.

Thank you

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Could you send us the two SketchUp files? (Right click on the components > Save As)
To [email protected]

Yes this is a known issue, you can only have one instance of Transmutr open at a time.

This is also a known issue, we are looking into it.

I cannot sent you an email so I will leave here the links

For Component 1 ( Backpack)!Ao0fQppAecD0oUnAsKRer-5AQJO1

  • if you open with transumtr and do mesh simplification it will lose the texture map
  • if you open the sketchup file and edit it in transmutr you will see the strange mesh movement

For Component 2 ( Earrings )!Ao0fQppAecD0oUgbiNuXPYwxCph0

  • if you open it through transmutr and do mesh simplification, after 86% it is doing weird mesh simplification
  • from Sketchup I’ve noticed the same

Thanks for the files!

Component 1:
The material issue is only in the Transmutr preview, the exported .skp file has correct material assignment. I’ll try to fix the preview.

Component 2:
I’m able to reproduce this issue as well. I’ll look into it.