Failure to install

I have just purchased your extension and followed your instructions a number of times but your exe file refuses to open. I am running Windows 10 on a Dell XPS 17 core i7 with 16 gig memory.I have tried a compatibility check but nothing seems to happen, Maybe I am still missing something

Let’s be sure the EXE file downloaded fully. Please download once more and check file size. Are you on PC or MAC?

PC windows 10, I have downloaded 2 already but lets check again and do a third

Do you have any error message?

I could not delete the file to reinstall as windows kept telling me the file is open in the system, so I went back to a previous windows 10 build, deleted the file and tried a new install (which is 31.79mb) but the file is still open in the system which I can neither see or delete. I do not want to go back to windows 7 as this would require a re installation of all my programmes. Please advise

After restarting the computer, it still says the file is open? That’s weird

I will try and see if I can get your plugin off my system in the next day or two an keep you posted

here is the only error message I get when I try to delete this file

Hi Thomas and Ronen after some fiddeling and turning my PC on and off I eventually have your extension installed, Hopefully I can now start churning out some awesome renders