We are currently working on Transmutr v2.
Here are some of the main new features:
Support for PBR materials
Ability to convert materials without geometry
Assign materials to objects
Create new materials
Export to the Enscape Asset Library in the native Enscape format (much lighter and faster than linked models in v1)
Proxies: new “Blobs” placeholder type (one or more convex hulls)
Proxies: automatically generate billboard images
Per-object simplification
New preview modes (Render/PBR, monochrome)
New formats: .gltf, .blend, .ifc
Batch conversion in the UI (Studio only)
Automatic updates
There are a lot of smaller changes and improvements.
It’s getting ready for a first Alpha, hopefully in the coming weeks. We don’t have an ETA for the release, yet.
When Transmutr v2 is out, we will focus on Skatter v3.
For that one, we want to change the paradigm a little bit: keep what makes Skatter great and powerful, but improve the artistic control on the distribution. We would like to make it more useful to landscape architects, for instance, not just visualizer (but also make it better for the latter!)
If you have ideas and thoughts for Skatter v3, now is the time to share them!
I have been using skkater 1 and skkater 2 for a long time and it is a really nice software to do gardens.
Some time ago i bought from grasswald 2 some ivy then used transmutur and blender to bring those ivys from fbx to vray sketchup file and i tried to use the ivys to climb over the tree.
With skkater 2 this does not look natural Lindale, the software does not feel branches and vertex.
I would really really like to see this in a great way with skkater 3.
Climb ivys on the tree, i hope with time that skkater 3 recognize the branches and the tree to see it in a more natural way.
Also this happens in real life and this gives the garden a new total look.
What kind of ivy generation would you like to see?
My understanding is that Lumion’s ivy generator simply covers a surface with ivy leaves, with a ‘noise’ pattern and gradient to roughly make it look like an ivy growth.
Would this be enough for your needs?
Or do you need something more realistic that actually simulates growing branches?
In reality, I believe that both scenarios would generate more control for us, to achieve different objectives.
Particularly the lumion option is very simple, easy to configure and with decent results.
Now, creating ivy like the second video, which adapts to 3D elements would be great (maybe a new plugin? … I would buy it!) achieving a lot of realism, however at a cost of greater geometry.
In any case, the sketchup community needs a tool like this.
A really silly question but is there any way that it would be possible to save a SketchUp model with the items we have added via the Skatter plugin?
SketchUp has an option to save a model to their Trimble Connect and the allow you to view that model in full 3D on a web page. It would really be neat if that model could include the Skatter stuff when the model is being presented on the web page.