Hi All,
I’m trying to understand the way the paint brush works, and, maybe it’s obvious, but I seems to miss a point…
Is it possible to :
- 1 : Select an object
- 2 : Select an host
- 3 : Paint freely on the host.
Actually, after the second point, Skatter always distribute automatically the object on the host, and all that is left is the Exclude brush, and there is no clue how to add something, as all the space is already full…
So, the question is, How to stop the auto generation, and be free to paint ?
In your tutorial about the green wall, you’re using the paint brush, but there is no clue how you managed to keep the surface free from previous scattering…
Additional question, could it be possible to use skatter on a texture based selection, and not an object selection ? It works this way in Thea, and it much easier, allowing the use of nested entity, which is not permit by the way Skatter works actually.
Thanks !