READ-only mode

Thanks for trying.

That’s yet another unexpected behavior on Mac :confused:

At least it seems to be working for you now and we’ll use this knowledge if other Mac users face similar issues. Thanks a lot for following up with your solution.

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Hello, I have got the same problem on my Mac. I bought the licence today and it doesn’t work.
I deleted the folders you have mentioned but no effect. Could you help me please? Thanks

After deleting the folders again, can you immediately restart your computer?

Hello. I deleted completely my old folders of SketchUp but nothing. Always red errors messages. I have got no 3dbazaar folder in my SketchUp/plugins folder. I really don’t understand, On the same computer (iMac Pro) of my colleague, that’s working. There are not any hidden folders. I tried to restart my computer after each step but always no issues. Excuse me for mistakes, I’m French.

Capture d’écran 2023-03-29 à 15.13.44

Did you check both of these locations?

  1. /Users/YOUR USERNAME/Library/Application Support/SKETCHUP VERSION/SketchUp/Plugins
  2. /Library/Application Support/SKETCHUP VERSION/SketchUp/Plugins