Hi, I downloaded the free version of Skatter, and went through the bazaar menu to chose grass. The bazaar opens with no problem, I can select a type of grass, but when I get to the moment of downloading the grass, it doesn’t seem to work properly, an empty window opens.
So that is not very helpful for me, since I want to try out the software to see if I want to buy it, and since I don’t even have access to the library items, it’s not very promising.
I work with the Sketchup Make 2017 version (the only most recent version that lets you work on Sketchup directly on your computer without having to login on the internet website - which is exctremely inconvenient). So can anyone tell me if this might be why I’m having this problem ? Is the version of Sketchup I’m using incompatible with the most recent trial version of Skatter ? Or is there some other possible problem ?
Thank you very much for your help !