Upgrade error

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Hello When trying to upgrade from version 1.2.4 to 1.2.7, a message appears saying “error opening recording file:” C:/ProgramFiles\Transmutr\Uninstall Transmutr.exe. Click skip to skip this file. I click on ignore, it ends the process, but it didn’t update. Continued on version 1.2.4 Can you help me ? Note: win 10 SketchUp 2021

Does the error message appear during the install process? Or when you try to open Transmutr?

Can you reboot your computer and try again?

Hello Thomas.
When trying to install the new version, this error message appears. (see attached).
And does not update.
I’ve tried it several times, I’ve booted it and nothing worked.
Note: I use Norton Antivirus.

Could you try to uninstall Transmutr (from Windows Settings > Apps) before installing the new version?

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Hello Thomas
I made your suggestion, it worked.
Have a nice day.

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