Hi everyone,
I have a detailed model with 7 different skattered objects. Grass, schrups , trees, flowers etc. Also other detailed 3D objects mostly landscape…
When I want to render before the frame buffer pup-ups There is a phase called “vray bootstrap: building scene” in sketchup. While this process I am waiting almost 1,5-2 hours just for the starting of the render, and then it continues normally (ligh cache calculation and rendering…) but sometimes in bootstrap process sketchup bugsplat with unreadable data error…
I want to ask you guys are you having trouble with the same thing. The rendering time is maybe one hour but ı am
Waiting more than it to get start to render…
What is that bootstrap process and why it takes too much time? It is the major problem that makes vray a pain in sketchup.
It is probably not about skatter but ı want ti ask this issue to you too.