Vray Scene Exporter

Hey all,

Curious if anyone uses Vray Scene Exporter (.vrscene) to do their scenes - and if Skatter works with that. I normally render straight from Vray, so it’s not a feature I use (but just might if it’s efficient).

I’ve been using a render farm called Garage Farm, and the way they have started doing their Sketchup/Vray scenes is using the exporter. I’d really like to continue using their services and am trying to convince them to start carrying Skatter as a supported plugin. They told me they would, only if Skatter can do the aforementioned.

Any input is much appreciated - and sorry if this has been posted somewhere. I did a quick key word search, but didn’t yield any results.


I have the same problem with Garage Farm; no support for Skatter, but fine render farm and I’d appreciate them to support Skatter as wel. I remember there was a post about a similar problem with a different render farm. I’ll look it up!

For now V-Ray doesn’t export Skatter data in VRScenes. I have already requested this from Chaos Group, we’ll to wait for them to include it.

OK, We’ll have to wait then. It has obviously nothing to do with ‘NFR Licenses’ you mentioned on a problem with Renderwow?

NFR means 'Not For Resale". These are free licenses we give to developers who want to integrate Skatter with their products.

Thanks for the responses all - I’ll go bother Chaos Group instead :wink:

BTW Thomas - Skatter is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Thank you for developing it! This plugin has saved me insane amounts of time and energy, and it’s so effortless to use. Cheers!

Ps when you make a skattgroup doesnt vray export the mesh?

Thea4su does, other workaround is exploding the skatter group. But if its really heavy you would run into problems obviously