Sorry, I mean full poly.
I’m sorry this is still not very clear to me.
Are you referring to:
- Loading the library presets as “Full Geometry”?
- Or disabling “Render Only” when generating?
Ok so thanks to @Filip, we have found an issue in V-Ray 5 that impacts the Skatter implementation.
When you try to us a V-Ray proxy as a Scattered Object, V-Ray will only render the placeholder geometry, it will not replace it with linked .vrmesh or .vrscene.
The workaround is to wrap the proxy in another component, and use that wrapper component as Scattered Object in Skatter. Then V-Ray will correctly replace the nested proxies.
I am in contact with Chaos Group to try to resolve this issue.
Hi Thomas,
When I load the Daisy 01 as “full geometry” it renders well in Vray, when I use Proxies and render only, the daisys don not show in the render, it’s blank. Of course the render time is huge, when render in full geometry.
Hope it’s clear?
I’ll add this is happening to me as well. Skattered proxies rendering as white boxes. I’m using Skatter v1.4.17, Vray-5, Sketchup 2020, Mac OS Catalina. A fix would be great!
I’m reinstalling v-ray from 4 to 5 and vice-versa (because I have active projects that I need to finish) so now after I try to render with render only, I get the blank scene, can’t get that white geometry
Anyway, I tried to import the vrscene and add it to a new component and then use that component with skatter, but still I get the blank scene.
I don’t know if something is messed up in my system because I have reinstalled v-ray so many times…
I will stick to the vray next for now as I have some projects that I need to finish soon.
I’m not sure that opening with V-Ray 4 a project that was saved with V-Ray 5 is supported. I don’t think Chaos Group supports backward compatibility.
I think I have found a workaround for the render-only setups not being rendered in V-Ray 5.
Can you guys please try this version?
(This does not fix the white proxies issue, that one is still being worked on by Chaos Group)
I’d love to test it but I’m on MacOS, so an .exe won’t open for me…
I have made further improvement to the V-Ray 5 support in Skatter.
You can get the fixed version here (including MacOS):
For it to work properly, you will need to wait for the fixed version of V-Ray. I was told it will be released very soon (maybe today?).
The V-Ray 5 hotfix was released today. It works great with Skatter v1.4.19.
VRMesh and VRScene proxies should work fine even in Render-Only
Thanks for the update! With V-ray 5 hotfix, the white boxes are indeed gone. However, now at least one of my larger scenes with a lot of Skatters won’t render anymore in v1.4.19. The rendering freezes before the frame buffer appears and Sketchup needs to be restarted. So I downgraded to v1.4.17 and the same file renders fine (and white boxes don’t appear due to the V-ray hotfix). As a result, for now I’ll stay at v1.4.17 to maintain rendering functionality with this file, but maybe there’s a fix?
Sorry for the late reply. I was out of the office for a few days.
Yes, with hotfix and new skatter it works! Thank you!
Although my old projects are not working properly (vray takes forever to load). But, I’ll finish them in vray next.
Thanks a lot for your files.
I found an issue that made Skatter export its data multiple times when the V-Ray render starts, instead of only once. This made the export phase (after clicking the render button) much longer than it should be.
Can you guys try to reinstall v1.4.19, then replace these files (11.0 KB)
- Windows: C:\ProgramData\SketchUp\SketchUp 2020\SketchUp\Plugins\jbb_skatter\rb
- MacOS: /Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2020/SketchUp/Plugins/jbb_skatter/rb/
It works. Thank you!
Yes, it seems to work for me too. Thanks!
Hi there,
I have the same issue, have u campe up whith a solution?